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Hydro Treatments

Hydro Treatments

The Way to Inner Harmony
with Hydro Threatment

A connection with water can play a huge role in healing and bringing peace to mind and body. The hydrotherapies at Anavrin Retreat offer a world-class, invigorating journey of healing, rejuvenation, and detoxification.

With the spacious pools enriched with varying temperatures, our baths allow every overworked and tired individual to refresh and recharge. Hang out in the calming and aromatic hot pools or immerse yourself in the cold waterfall showers to let go of all the stresses.

We have designed a one-of-a-kind contrast therapy with hot and cold circuits that help you reawaken the body. With thoughtfully routed baths, you can go from hot water showers to extremely cold showers for sensational hydrotherapy.

The therapy leaves lasting effects of recharged body tissues, a calm nervous system, and enhanced mindfulness. To provide a fully immersive experience, we combine multiple soothing elements together to create a quiet and restorative environment for the body to heal. Therapeutic fragrances, uplifting music, and scenic plantations offer a holistic remedy for a fatigued and exhausted body.